Sights (4)

Things which you may see which are fairly specific to P. Burgos St., or the Philippines in general


Sunday Exercise

On Sunday mornings from 6am to 10am, the Ayala Triangle streets are all closed down so that people can do exercise such as running, cycling, roller skating and blading. This is such an excellent idea and I really hope this can be emulated by every…

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Street Vendors

When walking around P. Burgos St. you will have many people come up to you and offer you products or services: Viagra / Cialis Assuming you're coming to partake in some girlie activities you'll be offered drugs to enhance your stamina in that department. Service…

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Security Guards

Guns are a common thing in the Philippines. It is relatively easy to buy and own a gun, so of course, criminals have them. To counter this threat, most shopping malls and stores will have their own security guards. You will see a lot of…

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